Watch this; it's important to help others to end poverty and homelessness.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day before this.

was yesterday. Duh, right?! Well, I've decided I'm going to blog about each day after the day has happened, cause you never know what might magically happen that is extraordinary to me in the middle of the night. Also, cause I'm lazy and this semi tricks my procrastination-on that note, I'm almost done with summer reading. Only one more book (Jane Eyre, even though it is my favorite book and I've already read it) and two essays (one of which is my college essay, dun dun dun dunnn). I'm frightened that my college essay won't turn out as awesome as I know it can. So, we shall see what happens with that.
Yesterday's walk was ridiculously buggy. My picture as you can see is NOT a bug as I avoided them at all possible times so getting close to take a picture was not ideal for me. My picture ironically was to show the light and darkness that I encountered on that walk. The light--like the two butterflies I saw--made my walk enjoyable, the dark--and hornets and little annoying flies--made my walk not. Haha. Basically, I was reading after I got home and there was a quote that pointed out if we didn't know evil and bad things, then we wouldn't have the chance to choose what is good, or even to appreciate what is good.
Now, I'm on my way to work after a long, long day of babysitting. Bon Voyage. (I wish I was going on a boat; they seem freeing. :) )
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
You're prolly wondering
Why I'm not posting the "creative" thing I'm doing with each picture...And that I shall keep to myself, unless I decide to show it to others. :)
I forgot to upload my project results yesterday!
Here it is.
Day 1 of my new journey: Well, it sure is hot out, Way too hot to be walking/running for an hour in the heat but I will do it anyway. On my walk I noticed I was looking down a lot at the ground. So I chose to take a picture of the cracks in the road... SYMBOLIZING (wow I haven't used that since essays in school :p) how life may not be perfect and flawless but the cracks are still holding us together-making everyone unique and everyone should be respected likewise. Who are we to judge unless we have spent equally as much time in that other person's shoes or understand how the cracks came to be. I alone understand and accept my cracks (or flaws but I like this metaphorical crack thing :p) and must remember that not everyone can see the world the same way I do. Love should be a verb in my life, not an adjective. Love the day, sun, and sky. :)
Carolyn Thorn
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Getting up and moving on.
For the past year it has felt like I have been slowly falling. Like when you are a little kid and can't keep your balance on your brand new, shiny roller blades and can tell you're falling but it is taking a long time to do so. The moment of impact can either bring pain, sorrow, hurt, or even relief and joy. Joy from finally being freed from the scary aspect of the unexpected--falling--and joy from now being able to move on in life and get back up on those roller blades. Well, let's say for my metaphorical sake that this is my moment of impact. I have fallen and now I am finally freed to move on... I might fall again but I have to live to experience all the other amazing aspects of life besides falling.
Hence, my need for this project.
I couldn't think of anything quite so awesome and perfect as the Julie/Julia project. But since I am an original, you can't dic a copy of me, I decided I would create my own project to incorporate all my passions--well, not all of them, but most. It took a lot of thinking and even led to a sleep insomnia last night. Ugh. That was annoying. I decided that I've always loved Audrey Hepburn. She never wrote a book, but her son did. I can't quite live like her, but I can walk like her. And no, not just the graceful walk she does but walk outside and for long periods of time. I already enjoy walking so this works.
My mission:
Everyday I will go on a walk--rain, snow,sleet or shine-- and I will take a picture. One picture everyday. With this picture, I will post it online (cough cough here) and will do something creative about/from the picture. Each picture must be different and must epitomize the feelings of my walk. As I am not a carp and do feel MANY feelings :p
Alright so, today, August 11th, 2009, I will start. Hope someone will read this besides just my mom.
Love and peace,
Carolyn Thorn
Monday, August 10, 2009
Creative Energy ExplosionNEW Project
Ever left a theater and felt a rush of creative energy? Like at that moment in time, you have to do something so great that everyone will remember you for? That if you don't start as soon as possible you might just explode with energy all over the place. Well, I don't imagine explosions as pleasant things so I am here writing this blog after seeing Julie & Julia and have decided my new mission-to start something and continue for one whole year doing so. I'm not sure what it'll be as I have so many passions but I will research tonight (aka google different people and topics) and let you know which has one.
As an incoming senior, it can't be something that takes up too much time, but something that will stabilize me to be who I am and focus myself each day. Any ideas?
Comment please.
Friday, August 7, 2009
I won't grow up
Watching Peter Pan with the child I babysit. Let's go to Neverland, all!
This is the only Disney movie without a full on love aspect. I mean Peter and Wendy but not really. Peter is really love with the idea of never growing up, and Wendy is in love with taking care of others. Tinkerbell is love with Peter Pan as the trusty side kick but other than that no real Cinderella-esqe love aspect.
And I love this movie. :)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A whole NEW way to blog
Watch that and rate it. It's my first so bear with me. Sorry if I bore you, the others will be funnier.
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