I don't know why I just said that, for I feel like saying anything other than that.
Background info to this story: Having had a chronic headache since graduation, and waking up with body aches and fatigue this morning, my mommy suggests seeing the doctor for treatment.
Story: Now, with another type of doctor appointment already scheduled for this day, the total hours expected to be in a doctor's office would be 2 instead of 1. But, knowing these doctors' offices, that was a way too optimistic outlook. 5 hours were spent waiting and being poked and prodded in total from the 2 appointments. Oh joy.
Well, in the first waiting room, I got the beautiful yet annoying crave for, you guessed it, a low fat blueberry muffin. Why a low fat one? Because a girl's conscience of ingesting oodles of calories in a delicious, bakery treat can be salvaged if something is titled, "Low Fat." Not only was that a requirement of this muffin I desired, but it must be one from Dunkin Donuts. My mind is a strange place. So, at the doctor's office I waited, patiently, so that I could go and buy this gift of mankind.
With the fear of mono in toe, I arrive to my second appointment: the pediatrician, yes I still go to that for I am a child forever. The doctor plays off my illness as either a virus or sinus infection. Pills were prescribed which I then had to bring to the pharmacy..yada yada yada.
Still, I waited for the muffin.
Now, there are a lot, emphasis on A LOT, of Dunkin Donuts in my area, spread semi far apart from each other yet in a relatively close enough area. So, I decide to wait for this beast of a muffin as a reward for after I gave in my prescription. Tummy growls loudly here since I hadn't eaten since 9 and it was 3:30, and this is a long time, coming from the girl who eats 4 small meals a day. Luckily enough, the pharmacy and Dunkin Donuts are awfully close. It would seem that karma is on my side. So, I bring the prescription in as the guy barks off to me that, 'it'll take ten minutes,' in a creepily similar tone to the guy on the phone of the Chinese takeout place..hmm. There I leave my soon-to-be meds, and off I go to the closest Dunkin Donuts. Upon arrival at the DD, I have a twinge of pain which only happens when I sense something bad is going to happen, and boy does it happen!
Not only did the boy at the counter seem clueless to his position, as I had to tap him for his attention, but informs me in his cap pulled over his eyes and unstylish Dunkin outfit, that they DO NOT have a low fat blueberry muffin, only a regular full-fattened one, and could I, would I just buy that instead? WHAT?! Pandemonium. No, I respond but at this point my stomach is crying in anguish from being deprived.
If I had been my normal, confident, flirtatious, beautified and outgoing self, <--LOL, at that moment, I would have flashed him my smirk and batted my eyelashes and asked would he go in the back to see if there were any low fat blueberry muffins available? But, I was just an un-showered, sickly, and sweatpants-wearing girl with desperately-needed-to-be-tweezed-eyebrows. Therefore, I said nothing.
So what is a girl with a growling stomach to do, instead, but buy an eggwhite flatbread sandwhich at this fine establishment? Honestly, if you were in my case, you'd buy one too. I didn't have my usual go-getter attitude so I just sacrificed for the good of the...wait, what the hell was I sacrificing for?! I'm sick, dammit! So, I quickly eat the unsatisfying goodness of the sandwich, pick up my prescription, and decide that I AM getting my low fat blueberry muffin.
This adventure takes me back to where I started from, near the initial doctor's office. Boo. What a waste of gas, an economical junkie would say. But Carolyn Thorn's brain was saying, Show me the Muffin!! Into the drive-in I proceed, and Hallelujah, a LOW FAT blueberry muffin is given in exchange for a $1.45. Praise the Lord. Amen.
I think there is something erotic and magnificent about a low fat blueberry muffin. I can't quite put my finger of it but I know the qualities are there. If I was to worship a food, besides the baked potato of course, this one would take the cake, win the prize, beat out all the others. Or maybe, just maybe, that is just my cravings talking.
Happy Tuesday!