Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Smother me with Christmas Cookies

I think I'm officially pooped...and the cookies aren't even decorated yet. Actually, scratch that, I AM utterly exhausted. When I agreed, unconsciously, to make cookies today with my nieces, I was not aware of what that really meant. After melting butter, cracking eggs, and adding the powder to make the dough actually become dough, I had to use oodles of flour to get the stickiness from my hands and off the pan. Three and a half hours later, I finally finished cleaning up the kitchen since it has to be spotless for the arrival of family and clean enough for Mama to come home to.

Oh and I just remembered that sometime between now and the actual day of Christmas I have to finish shopping and wrap all of these presents. When is Christmas again? Oh yea, four days. Splendid.
This holiday is more stressful than it's all cracked to be. For what? A few hours of family togetherness and wrapping paper strewn into pieces all on the floor and to feed ourselves into oblivion? Awesome. I also believe I'm in the middle of a sugar coma right now...too much frosting in my system.

Mission accomplished, I guess. The sun just set and I'm still not wearing a bra nor have I showered. I also think I've worn this shirt to bed for three days which isn't bad, but considering I was in it for most of the day today, it's grotesque. Not at ALL burlesque as I so desire to be, every minute of everyday. Haha just joshin y'all. All I desire, right now, is to record "Die Alone" and finish the music video I started yesterday. That's a hint of what's to come.

Started baking: 1:00pm
Ended: 4:53pm

Peace and positivity, my Carolyn Thorn enthusiasts.

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